Survivor Stories

Many of you have written to SameYou about your experience of brain injury and told us how you identified with Emilia's story. There was a common feeling of relief about hearing a familiar story from someone young, and speaking out to normalize the injury. People were comforted that Emilia had gone through something similar to them or to a family member or loved one. 

The overwhelming emotion was of gratitude that Emilia was breaking her silence and that enabled and emboldened so many others to tell their brain injury story - some for the first time. It was as if people now have permission to speak out about their story.

I get days when I just want to give up. But after hearing your story it has made me realize, I'm not on my own!

You have told us that by sharing your stories, and reading other people's, offers hope, comfort and much needed peer-to-peer support that is often hard to find. 

SameYou have created this support resource called Portraits to tell the untold story of brain injury. If you would like to share your story, you can submit your story via our Share your story page.

Portrait: John image

Portrait: John

During a high school playoff game, I was fouled while going up for a lay-up and slammed my head on the hardwood floor.

I was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a major concussion. During the MRI, doctors noticed a “shadow” on my cerebellum that required consistent monitoring to ensure it didn't grow.

I sought out one of the best neurologists in New York and ended up at Columbia Presbyterian in Manhattan.

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Portrait: Breanna image

Portrait: Breanna

My name is Breanna, and I am pursuing my MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging at the University of Sheffield. In 2021, I experienced an ischemic pontine stroke, which completely transformed my life. 

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Portrait: Sammy image

Portrait: Sammy

I had a massive stroke that affected my left brain. I was healthy, going out, taking care of my two kids and a husband, and working full time. Out of the blue, I fell back to my bed and slumped down to the floor I thought...oh my, this is going to be it 

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Portrait: Johnny image

Portrait: Johnny

My names Johnny, and I suffered a life-threatening brainstem bleed/pontine hemorrhage back in the summer of 2021. After, I was put in an induced coma for two weeks with a not-so-great prognosis of survival. My family and children were told to expect the worst: that I may not wake and if I was to come around, I would be in a vegetative state for the rest of my life with just eye movement and slight face or oral movement!

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Portrait: James image

Portrait: James

James shouldn't even be alive, let alone be able to walk and talk, after an accident in a Paris hotel left his brain so crushed that doctors were forced to remove part of his skull and store it in his abdomen to keep the bone marrow healthy.

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Portrait: Robbie image

Portrait: Robbie

Having suffered with anxiety most of my life, and particularly badly for the past couple of years, the diagnosis of my aneurysm in October 2023 hit me hard. I was already in a bad place with my mental health.

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Portrait: Kelly image

Portrait: Kelly

I am Kelly, a brain injury survivor and caregiver to a daughter who sustained a traumatic brain injury at age three as the result of a car accident. My daughter's injury was life-threatening, and the diagnosis was immediate, even though the prognosis was not. My injury wasn't diagnosed until we returned home following her in-patient rehabilitation.

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Portrait: Evgenia image

Portrait: Evgenia

Hi, my name is Evgenia. In 2008, my life took an unexpected turn when I became a survivor of a near-fatal car crash. The aftermath left me with a multi-fragmentary fracture, extensive soft-tissue damage, clinical death, transient global amnesia and retinal detachment.

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Portrait: Flavia image

Portrait: Flavia

In January 2021, I had been feeling off for a while. I went to see an ophthalmologist. From that point on, it all went very fast. He sent me to get a brain MRI the same day, then I was sent straight to the university hospital. They had identified a 35 mm (about 1.38 in) aneurysm in my brain.

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Portrait: Laura image

Portrait: Laura

Aged 33, I was hit by a racing bike that skipped the lights whilst I was crossing the road. I was almost home when it happened. I remember recognising that an impact was imminent and seeing the white of the rider's eyes. After hitting my head, I only recall being picked out of the road by a stranger; the rider was gone.

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