Portrait: Evgenia

Hi, my name is Evgenia. In 2008, my life took an unexpected turn when I became a survivor of a near-fatal car crash. The aftermath left me with a multi-fragmentary fracture, extensive soft-tissue damage, clinical death, transient global amnesia and retinal detachment.

A little bit about Evgenia 

Hi, my name is Evgenia. In 2008, my life took an unexpected turn when I became a survivor of a near-fatal car crash. The aftermath left me with a multi-fragmentary fracture, extensive soft-tissue damage, clinical death, transient global amnesia and retinal detachment. This marked the beginning of a journey filled with challenges, transformation, and a quest for understanding. Post-accident, I found myself grappling with transient global amnesia – a state where memories of people, places, and names were wiped clean until the slow process of awakening began. There was no past when I woke up. The absence of it was disorienting. Did I have life before? I didn’t remember. I had simply awakened into the present.  


Grappling with the harsh reality of social judgment 

The initial lack of emotions and the overwhelming pain in my head became my immediate reality, overshadowing any sense of the past. The first glimpse of my post-accident self came when I was transferred from intensive care. A bald head, bandaged and adorned with a significant scar, stared back at me. The physical changes, including the loss of hair, were difficult to process, and the scar that now marked me evoked a complex mix of emotions.   

I stepped into a world that had little patience for the different. Laughter, derisive fingers, and the cruel sting of social exclusion became my unwelcome companions.  

I felt betrayed and devastated, unable to explain the circumstances that had altered my appearance.  


Self-discovery and recovery 

It was a time of profound vulnerability. As time passed, I discovered an unexpected gift within the adversity – post-traumatic growth. The experience reshaped my outlook and perspectives. Despite the challenges, the growth that emerged became an integral part of who I am today, and I can't imagine my life without it.  


Call to social action: unity in representation 

In a world increasingly open to discussions about gender, body positivity and race, the narratives of those marked by physical scars often remain untold. Scars bear witness to life-altering events, serving as reminders of survival. The question arises: should physical scars solely define us? While societal conversations expand to include various dimensions of identity, the visibility of individuals with physical scars in media remains limited.  

Scars tell stories of resilience, survival and transformation. More diversity in media representation during the journey of accepting such changes is crucial. I yearn for a broader spectrum of images, promoting acceptance and understanding. 

My journey, marked by trauma, transformation and post-traumatic growth, reflects the power of resilience in the face of adversity.  

As we challenge societal norms, it's vital to recognize and appreciate the stories behind physical scars. Embracing diversity in media is not just a call for representation; it's an acknowledgment of the strength found in our scars and the collective journey of acceptance and understanding.


My advice to others: 

  • Allow yourself to feel. It's okay to feel angry, sad, or frustrated. Acknowledge your emotions and give yourself the time to process them. 
  • Lean on your support network. Accept help from family and friends. Their support can provide the strength you need to get through difficult times. 
  • Take it one day at a time. Focus on small victories and incremental progress. Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. 
  • Seek professional help. Therapists and support groups can offer valuable tools and perspectives to aid in your healing journey. 
  • Find your new normal. Embrace the changes and discover what brings you joy and fulfillment now. Your life may be different, but it can still be meaningful and rewarding. 
  • Share your story. Your experiences can inspire and help others. Don't be afraid to speak up and let your voice be heard 


Remember, you are not defined by your scars but by your resilience and the strength you show in overcoming adversity. 


Together, we can create a world where every story of resilience is heard and valued. If Evgenia’s experience has touched you, help us spread the word about the impact of brain injuries by sharing this inspiring story. Thank you. 

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