Share your story
If you have a brain injury story that you would like to share – as a survivor or carer, or if you are a nurse, we would love to hear from you. Your voice is so important!
Please complete the form below.
Below are some helpful guidelines to follow when sharing your experience:
1. We know you have a lot to say but we recommend that you try and keep your story around 1000 words or less.
2. Tell us your name, your role and whose story you are hoping to highlight further.
3. We encourage you to look at our suggested questions below and answer them on your behalf or that of the person that you are bringing to our attention
• How long ago were you diagnosed and what was the diagnosis?
• Name 3 of the most bothersome symptoms that you’ve experienced following brain injury.
• Who or which health specialists were involved during your rehab and recovery process?
• What are some hobbies or things that you enjoy doing?
• Who or what are your sources of support - family, friends, community groups?
• The highs: What has been most successful in the recovery journey?
• The lows: What’s missing in the recovery journey and ways it could be overcome?
• What advice would you give to other survivors and caregivers?
• Do you have a quote or saying that helps you navigate brain injury recovery?
4. Please provide a portrait-style, solo photo of yourself. Feel free to also include any other images* (3 maximum- JPEG or PNG recommended) to supplement your story. Images can include but are not limited to:
• Photos of you, your support system**, or care team**
• You or others** wearing a SameYou vest, t-shirt or hoodie
• Anything you would like to share in relation to your story!
Photos can be emailed to: [email protected]
Don’t forget to complete the consent form!
*Please do not include any images of scans or other medical paperwork. Additionally, please be mindful that we must follow social media guidelines when posting images; certain graphic images (containing blood or other bodily fluids or nudity of any kind) will not be posted.
**If you choose to send photos of other people, you must provide a consent form from those people, allowing us to publicly use their image.