Recovery@Home Videos

Positive Living: Cooking with a slow cooker image

Positive Living: Cooking with a slow cooker

Cooking with a slow cooker is a great way to get back into the kitchen. Sophie Voyce shares two recipes that are simple, straightforward and will get you cooking up a feast.

Positive Minds: Learning to accept difficult emotions image

Positive Minds: Learning to accept difficult emotions

Dr Zoe Fisher shares a metaphor for accepting or avoiding difficult emotions – to help you move towards the things that are important to you, instead of struggling against painful thoughts and feelings.

Positive Minds: Introduction to mindfulness image

Positive Minds: Introduction to mindfulness

When we experience negative emotions, it’s usually because we’re dwelling on something in the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness can help you to be present. Lowri Wilkes talks through a simple exercise to get you started.

Positive Minds: Building Wellbeing after Brain Injury image

Positive Minds: Building Wellbeing after Brain Injury

Dr Zoe Fisher discusses the benefit of positive emotion and experiences following brain injury, talking you through some exercises that have been shown to improve wellbeing that you can practice at home.

Positive Relationships: Dealing with other people after brain injury image

Positive Relationships: Dealing with other people after brain injury

Dr Giles Yeates explains why, following acquired brain injury, survivors often need their world to be predictable and routine-based to manage day to day. However an unavoidable aspect of life that is very unpredictable is the presence of other people – their actions and communication.