Recovery@Home Videos

Positive Minds: Language  image

Positive Minds: Language

Communication works in two directions – understanding what someone is saying and expressing yourself. Professor Jon Evans explains how brain injury can impact this crucial system.

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Positive Minds: Perception

Being able to see, recognise and name an object may seem like a simple task. But it involves many different brain processes. Professor Jon Evans explains how perception is not just about seeing or hearing, but the ability to understand and interact with things in your world.  

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Positive Minds: Speed

Brain injury can disrupt connections in your brain and affect how fast you can process information, making it harder to act and think quickly. Professor Jon Evans explains.

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Positive Minds: Attention

Professor Jon Evans talks through the different kinds of attention and concentration. For example, focusing attention (like finding your favourite toothpaste in the supermarket) and dividing attention (like walking through the shops while talking to a friend).

Positive Health: How positive health behaviours impact on the mind image

Positive Minds: Cognitive overload and irritability

When your brain has too much information to process, you reach cognitive overload. That’s when irritability can show up, especially in noisy or busy places. Dr Emma Hale explains how – with a glass and some water.


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Positive Minds: The impact of other symptoms on irritability

After brain injury, it can take more energy to carry out tasks, or even to have a conversation. So you’ll have less energy available to regulate your emotions. Dr Emma Hale explains how this, and fatigue, can contribute to irritability.

Positive Minds: Fight or flight? image

Positive Minds: Fight or flight?

Fight or flight is a primitive response of the nervous system to danger. After brain injury, this system can be triggered when there’s no real threat. Dr Emma Hale explains how.

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Positive Minds: An introduction to managing irritability

Irritability is a common symptom after brain injury – just like memory or physical difficulties. Whether it takes the form of anger, aggression or frustration, you are not to blame. Dr Emma Hale introduces some ways to help manage it.