All Survivor Stories

Portrait: Jodie image

Portrait: Jodie

My TBI story began in 2018 with The Beast From The East. I fell at a train station as I was visiting my brother for a few days. I was discharged from A&E after a few hours, with a diagnosis and leaflet on concussion, as well as a diagnosis of whiplash. I was also advised to take paracetamol for any pain.

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Portrait: Sina-Marie image

Portrait: Sina-Marie

A warm hello from Germany. I'm Sina-Marie, 29 years old and a ruptured brain aneurysm survivor. Since I found out about SameYou, I've wished it would have existed back in 2015 and wanted to tell my story for anybody interested. So here it is...

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Portrait: Julianne image

Portrait: Julianne

My name is Julianne and at 18 weeks pregnant, I was diagnosed with a massive 15mm aneurysm near my occipital nerve. The last four years have been the biggest roller coaster of my life. I now have two sons, Aiden Grey who is three, and Sawyer John who is one, but it was a huge battle getting here.

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Portrait: Kassandra image

Portrait: Kassandra

My name is Kassandra and I suffer from chronic migraine with aura, resulting from two traumatic head injuries. When I was three years old, I fell off a bed and landed on the hardwood floor, on the top of my head. About six months later, I started getting terrible migraines constantly. I was diagnosed with chronic migraine at eight years old.

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Portrait: Emma image

Portrait: Emma

Emma's story highlights how, despite experiencing a stroke and facing multiple life-saving surgeries, she had the courage and determination to rebuild her life. 

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Portrait: Duncan image

Portrait: Duncan

11 years ago, I was a 38-year-old P.E. teacher and father of 2 young children when I collapsed in my bathroom early one morning while getting ready for work...

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Portrait: John image

Portrait: John

My story takes place back in May of 2000 when I was 10-years-old. Around 5pm on a Friday afternoon I started having a bad headache. I told my parents about it and they handed me some Tylenol, assuming it was just my allergies. That didn’t solve the problem.

I later found out that I was experiencing a brain AVM (arteriovenous malformation) - a tangle of blood vessels that connects arteries to veins. It had started to rupture on the left side of my brain causing the pain to get worse. I told my parents I was dying.  

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Portrait: Kerry image

Portrait: Kerry

In 2013, I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm, like Emilia. It happened out of the blue, just 3 months after my baby was born. I had been experiencing what I would say was a very mild, dull headache for a few days. A bit like a hangover and I couldn’t shift it. 

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Portrait: Tamsyn image

Portrait: Tamsyn

7 years ago, on a Saturday after a night out, I felt unwell. I thought maybe it was a hangover. I went to bed early and woke the next morning with a terrible headache...

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Portrait: Jeff image

Portrait: Jeff

September 14, 2018, according to my MapMyRun, I was around 10 miles in a long run in Cambridge, MA USA when I was struck at a crosswalk by a car going 37 miles per hour.

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