Portrait: Natalie
I first shared my story in April 2019, while at the start of my recovery. Now, I am two years into my journey and have made great improvements, all thanks to the amazing rehabilitation support I got from all the NHS services during my stay in hospital and also in the community after discharge.

A little bit about Natalie
I suffered a right-sided bleed on my brain (CSVT), causing a stroke in July 2018 at the age of 30. This resulted in total paralysis on the left side of my body and some weakness to the left side of my face. It also affected my emotions and concentration.
I was treated at the intensive care unit at the Walton Centre in Liverpool, after which I was sent to a rehabilitation unit, where I stayed until November 2018. With the help of an amazing team of physiotherapists, I learned to walk again. After returning home, I underwent community physio as I worked to regain use of my left arm.
Learning about brain injury in young adults
When I first woke up from my operation (a craniotomy) and the words “stroke” and “brain surgery” were said to me, I just couldn’t believe it at my age!
I was so confused and felt like I was the only young person this had ever happened to, as everyone I spoke to and everything I read focused on brain injury happening in the elderly. So, when I read Emilia’s story and saw this charity had been set up and focused on young lives, it really opened my eyes to me not being alone in having this happen to me at my age.
I wanted to share my story and progress , in the hope it can help with SameYou’s mission—and so others know they’re not alone. There is hope of recovery with the right help!
My progress
I now have all my movement back. I still feel slightly weakened at times, but not to a degree that limits me too much anymore. I am back in my old job, driving my car again and in a new relationship-getting on with living my life! I will always be eternally grateful for the help and support I received from the amazing NHS rehabilitation services in my area.
I can’t stress enough the importance of neurorehabilitation in recovery after any brain injury!
I may not have made anywhere near the recovery I have today if it were not for the physical and mental rehabilitation I received. Stay safe all!