Portrait: Myra K
I was approaching the end of my first year working as a Nurse Practitioner when I suddenly became the patient instead of the prescriber.
I was approaching the end of my first year working as a Nurse Practitioner when I suddenly became the patient instead of the prescriber.
I am a wife, mother of three, and a second grade teacher. By sharing my story, I hope that someone might find comfort in knowing they are not alone and that recovery from brain injury happens at its own pace.
I had a SAH in January, 2019. I was 29 years old at the time: fit, a keen sports person, and it came out of the blue.
The doctors in Asheville were straight forward with my mom, telling her there was a 90% chance I wouldn’t make it out of the coma.
My name is Matthew and in February 2021 whilst out running I suffered a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.
This story is about my mum, Mimi, who sadly passed away in August last year following a long battle with a brain injury.
I had a brain stem bleed in July 2017 at the age of 36, and a TIA 12 months later. Being young, fit and healthy they were both totally unexpected.
Veronique's brain injury was acquired following a brain infection called viral meningo-encephalitis.
A few years ago, my identical twin brother, Luke, suffered a traumatic brain injury. The event would change his life completely but also inspire the work we now dedicate ourselves to. It is a deeply personal story and is central to the company, our ethos and vision.