
Support SameYou's Gift Appeal and help us increase our impact

Whether it's a one-time or recurring gift, your contribution through SameYou's Gift Appeal supports our vision to transform the way brain injury survivors and their loved ones are helped through emotional, mental health and cognitive recovery services.

SameYou's purpose is for brain injury survivors to know they haven't lost the person they were before. We advocate for change; seed fund innovations in research and therapies; work with partners to deliver education programmes for healthcare professionals and deliver real time group rehabilitation services to revolutionise care.


How your gifts supported survivors in 2023

  • SameYou became a member of the World Health Organisation's World Rehabilitation Alliance.
  • We launched phase 1 of our peer-to-peer support pilot program, SameChat
  • We held 3 challenges filled with resources to support the whole person, brain, body and spirit, during recovery
  • Neuro Rehabilitation Online (NROL) has been rolled out across 5 NHS Hospital Trusts in Lancashire.
  • We developed over 50 resources to support survivors and their loved ones during recovery
  • We added more rehabilitation services to our UK Neuro Recovery Directory
  • Since launching SameYou 4 years ago, we have received almost 10,000 stories from survivors. By the end of the year, we will have published another 52 new portraits. Many survivors experience a feeling of relief when reading other survivor’s stories. It normalises their own experience and makes them feel less alone.


Looking into 2024

  • Work is underway to expand NROL further
  • We are working on a pilot project in partnership with Mount Sinai Health System, New York to develop a new, innovative, mental health-centred recovery pathway, and an information and training programme
  • We will be working with a major new partner to increase awareness of the need for increased brain injury rehabilitation and highlighting the impact of health inequality
  • We will develop resources for an advocacy movement to support the objectives of the World Rehabilitation Alliance
  • We are working on launching a US Neuro Recovery Directory
  • We are working to host a special online event for our 5th birthday

But to continue to create positive change in the brain injury recovery pathway, we need your help.

As we lean into 2024, we would be grateful for a gift that will allow us to forge ahead with innovative and lifechanging projects. Whether you make a one-off gift or join our monthly givers, you can support our mission and the 1 in 3 who will experience a brain injury in their lifetime.


Want to amplify our voices, download and share our social media resources.

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£ 33.00